Ground Rules,

Garden-Sharing Risks &

Getting Ready. 


things to consider:


Ground Rules


  • Lenders and Tenders should be over the age of 18.

  • Garden Lenders, it’s up to you; how, when and to whom you Lend your garden.

  • Garden Tenders, it’s up to you; how, when and to whom you Tend to a garden.

    • It is advised that Lending Garden owners and Tending Garden users draw up agreements* prior to Lending or Tending. An agreement* should detail visitation rules, garden plans/ Lender and Tender expectations/ project objectives that both parties intend to honour, how long your garden sharing terms last and should be signed by both parties: Lender and Tender. (Suggested template agreements* are available once your Lend and Tend Patch-Match has been processed.)

  • Lend and Tend (Lend & Tend) or associated gardeners are not under any obligation to provide garden Lenders with permanent gardening service(s) for any limited time, other than what the garden ‘Tender’ and a ‘Lender’ mutually agree privately. Nor do garden Tenders have access to garden Lender's property without prior arranged consent.


Garden-Sharing Risks



  • Introductions: Always exchange emails and talk on the phone before you meet a potential Patch-Match.

  • We suggest that you initially meet your Patch-Match with a buddy if going to a garden for the first time. Same goes for inviting people to your garden, have someone host with you. Your buddy can always help you suss out if garden sharing's going to be right for you.

  • Lend and Tend (Lend & Tend) nor it’s associates, friends, employees, partners or affiliates uphold any responsibility for any loss or damage to any property, hurt or injury to any individuals, animals or yourself.

  • For your protection and safety, it is advised that you seek professional advice from your insurers to ensure you have sufficient insurance to cover any losses or damages to any persons or any property, including yourself and your own.


  • Garden owners, please ensure your garden is free from any obstructions or materials that could cause harm i.e. glass amongst digging beds, or if you believe there may be harmful materials like asbestos present, please consult professional advice if you are unsure.

  • Please make sure that all tools and garden equipment are safe to use.

  • Garden Tenders, if you are unsure about using gardening equipment, consult product guides or a professional and if in doubt do not use hazardous equipment.

  • Wear protective clothing such as goggles, gloves and knee pads where necessary.


Getting Ready


Once you've signed up to garden share, it may take time for a Lender or Tender to become available in your area, so we'd appreciate your patience but help with sharing the news would be great.

We have posters you can print to put up in your local community's cafes, libraries and places of interest to help so you can spread the word, but old fashioned world of mouth is very helpful too. 

We ask you lots of questions when you sign up, it's so we can find you a suitable Patch-Match, however, there is no obligation for you to disclose personal information, e.g. a disability. However, it may help us find an accurate Patch-Match knowing if you need any special considerations i.e regarding access. 

  • Your Details.

    • We respect your private details and we will not, without your consent, supply your personal information to any third parties for the purpose of their or any other third party’s direct marketing.

  • We suggest a 2-4 week trial with your Lend and Tend Patch-Match.

    • If all goes well, discuss your availability then so you can commence your garden sharing project.

A garden sharing solution isn't always immediately possible. You can find where Lenders and Tenders are available on our map. 


...and if you've any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! Email



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the FEE TO SIGN UP? 

Being Patch-Matched is priceless, and has immeasurable benefits including health and wellbeing benefits for both Lenders and Tenders. 

The price of annual membership is £24 per year. We’re grateful to those who can afford it to ‘pay it forward. Gifting an additional membership enables another person to benefit from garden sharing who may not be able to afford it. Just add another membership to your cart to gift a year-long membership to someone else who may be in need. We also offer concessions to potential members receiving Universal Credit and consider applications for gifted memberships for those in need of support via email. Please email us if you require this support

You can also donate at any time, without garden-sharing yourself. Please click to donate. Your generosity is hugely appreciated. 

2. Who pays for tools and garden plants and seeds?

For garden owners with yards so overgrown where you can't see the woods for the weeds, you might be lucky enough to uncover a shed full of tools to use, however

  • It's between Lender and Tender to decide who buys garden-related paraphernalia, but most Lenders have a few tools already (e.g. a mower) but most importantly, ensure all tools and machinery are in a safe working order. 

  • If a garden Tender wants to cultivate particular plants or edibles that are not currently part of the existing garden, then any new plant purchases should be discussed, including who should be responsible for their cost. 

  • Many garden Tenders buy their own seeds for things like fruits, veg and herbs, but things like permanent perennials that Lenders can enjoy for many years to come, could be paid for by the garden Lender. 

Patch-matching: Please Read

Tending to a garden is no mean feat, it is an act of generosity, and kindness but blimmin' hard graft. On top of all this, we are asking you to come on the garden-sharing journey with us, let's see if we can make the world a better place, one garden at a time. 

Be mindful of the garden Lenders express wishes and make sure your gardening plans are discussed together. 

3. How do you split the produce hauls?

Again, totally up to you both to decide, you may want to formally write in the garden-sharing agreement, what percentage split of the produce grown each Lender and Tender gets. Or a garden-Tender may just gift you a basket of courgettes when it’s the season of bountiful harvests. Again, it’s all up for discussion.

And, although, it may be your garden, just make sure you don’t devour a Tender’s crops without agreeing on what is fairly available to you and vice-versa, don’t help yourself to a Lenders apple tree (for example) unless you have permission first.


4. Where can I lend or Tend

Click on the Lend and Tend Google map to find out where people are Lending or Tending gardens; all the way from Aberdeen to Adelaide, Australia.



5. How long before I'm Patch-Matched?

When we introduce a (garden owner) Lender to (a person interested in gardening) Tender, it's a Patch-Match!

This can take minutes or months. Unfortunately. There is no way we can apply a timescale to how long it takes to get you Patch-Matched.

As soon as we have seen you are interested in sharing your garden or sharing someones garden your location details, are added to our map. We'll then post on social media about it and if you want to help, your Tweets and Facebook Posts would be hugely welcomed. 

We're now based in Sheffield and Kent and spend a lot of time going to community events to spread the word, volunteering in gardens and speaking at events to tell everyone we can about you wonderful people who want to garden-share. 

However, to help us help you, we have posters you can print and put up in local businesses like cafes, and libraries and on community notice boards to let people know Lend and Tend is happening in your area.  This could help Patch-Matches happen sooner.

6. Finally. Why..?

Lend and Tend aims to operate for the benefit of the community, to also support individual garden Tenders in their quest to garden; to also support individual garden Lenders in their quest to utilise their garden space. 

Most of all, we’re for nature and our neighbourhoods. Lend and Tend also aims to raise awareness about protecting wildlife, and our environment and securing our future food sources. 

We’ll also donate 50% of our profits to charities and organisations that support the communities where we work.